Freestyle – the Formula 1 in Chess

Freestyle – the Formula 1 in Chess

Freestyle Chess entwickelte sich um 2005 als eine Online-Variante des von Weltmeister Garri Kasparow 1996 ins Leben gerufenen Advanced Chess, wobei der wesentliche Unterschied in der ungebremsten Rolle des Computers und anderer Ressourcen als Hilfsmittel des menschlichen Wettkämpfers besteht. Über die Entstehung und Geschichte des Freestyle Chess informiert ein zuletzt im Juli 2011 aktualisierter Beitrag, der auf dem Schachserver InfinityChess erschien und derzeit nur in englischer Sprache vorliegt.

(Foto: Freestyle-Turnier in Benidorm 2007)

"...The idea and the origin of Freestyle Chess

Freestyle Chess is a competition between humans, who however are allowed, similarly like in correspondence chess, to make use of any technical or human support for selecting their moves. The major difference to correspondence chess exists in the much faster speed of play (usually 60 minutes per player and game, and an increment of 15 seconds per move). From the idea Freestyle Chess is very similar to ‘Advanced Chess’, introduced by Garry Kasparov, in which use of computer however is strongly limited and human help excluded. While Advanced Chess has often been performed as a local event, Freestyle Chess has developed as an online competition due to practical reasons (like the numerous resources required by the players). All these kinds of chess aim for the same purpose: games of high quality. (For details about the techniques and the rules of Freestyle Chess see the FAQ on Freestyle Chess.)"
