The Method in Chess

Auf Lager

Versandgewicht: 480 g

by the famous trainer
Iossif Dorfman

208 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 2001

Sprache: Englisch

Verlag: Game Mind

- neuwertig erhalten, ungebraucht -


004 Foreword

005 Theoretical section
006 - A brief resume
007 I. Definition of a critical position
007 II. Drawing up the static balance
008 A. Regressive scale for the static evaluation of a position
009 A1. King position
014 A2. Material correlation
022 A3. Who has the better position after exchange of queens
028 A4. Pawn formation
028 a) Doubled and tripled pawns
028 b) Protected passed pawns
029 c) Number of pawn islands. Compact pawn chain. Hanging pawns
029 d) Pawn majority in the centre
029 e) Pawn majority on the queenside
031 f) Weak square. Isolated pawn. Backward pawn
034 g) Group of weak squares of one coulour. Blockade. Domination
036 h) Half open file. Outpost
038 i) Bad pieces
039 j) Types of centre. Space
041 B. Resume of the theoretical aspect

Practical section

047 - 175 64 commented games

177 Kingposition
181 Material correlation
186 Whose position is better after the exchange of queens?
193 Pawn formation
193 a) Majority on the queenside
195 b) Groups of squares of one colour. Blockade. Domination
199 c) Outpost

206 Index of players

208 Index of openings


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