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Averbakh's Selected Games

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Versandgewicht: 600 g

Yuri Averbakh


192 Seiten, kartoniert, 1. Auflage 1998

Sprache: Englisch

Cadogan Chess

Gebraucht. Sehr gut erhalten.

Yuri Averbakh is a distinguished Russian grandmaster who has enjoyed a long and varied career as a top-class player, endgame theoretician, judge of chess composition, writer, editor and arbiter. Here we see the artist at work, for he has selected the most interesting and instructive games from this wealth of experience. No player can fail to be inspired by these classic games and Averbakh's detailed annotations. This informative and entertaining book includes descriptions of games against world champions, details of expertly played endgames, insights into successful training techniques, and explanations of Averbakh's contributions to opening theory. Yuri Averbakh was one of the leading Soviet grandmasters for two decades, competing in the USSR Championship 15 times between 1949 and 1969. He finished in an extremely respectable 10th place in the famous Zurich Candidates' tournament of 1953. His previous books for Cadogan include Chess Endings: Essential Knowledge, Chess Middlegames: Essential Knowledge and the monumental 5-volume series Comprehensive Chess Endings.

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65 - 65 von 68 Ergebnissen